Storage Solution

Roo Tilt Bins Mounted on Shop Floor Trolley

- Shop Floor Trolley – SFT
- Size : 970 (W) x 600 (D) x 1100 (H) mm
- Shop Floor Trolley mounted with
- 4 Nos of Louvre Panels LP 2
- (2 on each side)

- 120 Nos of RTB 1 Bins
- (60 Nos. on each side)
- Mounted on Shop Floor Trolley

- 64 Nos of RTB 2 Bins
- (32 Nos. on each side)
- Mounted on Shop Floor Trolley

- 36 Nos of RTB 3 Bins
- (18 Nos. on each side)
- Mounted on Shop Floor Trolley

- 16 Nos of RTB 4 Bins
- (8 Nos. on each side)
- Mounted on Shop Floor Trolley